14 اسفند 1403

مرکز تحقیقات استئوپروز

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

لیست اخبار صفحه :2
The association of cardio-metabolic risk factors and history of falling in men with osteosarcopenia: a cross-sectional analysis of Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program

The association of cardio-metabolic risk factors and history of falling in men with osteosarcopenia: a cross-sectional analysis of Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program

Osteosarcopenia, defined as sarcopenia plus osteopenia/osteoporosis, may increase the risk of fractures and affects morbidity and mortality in the older population. Falling is also common in the elderly and increases the risk of fractures and mortality. We examined the association of cardio-metabolic risk factors with a history of falling in osteosarcopenic men.

Circulating amino acids and acylcarnitines correlated with different CAC score ranges in diabetic postmenopausal women using LC–MS/MS based metabolomics approach

Circulating amino acids and acylcarnitines correlated with different CAC score ranges in diabetic postmenopausal women using LC–MS/MS based metabolomics approach

Diabetes mellitus (DM) and its cardiovascular disease (CVD) complication are among the most frequent causes of death worldwide. However, the metabolites linking up diabetes and CVD are less understood. In this study, we aimed to evaluate serum acylcarnitines and amino acids in postmenopausal women suffering from diabetes with different severity of CVD and compared them with healthy controls.

A Multiplexed Microfluidic Platform For Bone Marker Measurement: A Proof-Of-Concept

A Multiplexed Microfluidic Platform For Bone Marker Measurement: A Proof-Of-Concept

In this work, we report a microfluidic platform that can be easily translated into a biomarker diagnostic. This platform integrates microfluidic technology with electrochemical sensing and embodies a reaction/detection chamber to measure serum levels of different biomarkers. Microfabricated Au electrodes encased in a microfluidic chamber are functionalized to immobilize the antibodies, which can selectively capture the corresponding antigen.

New horizons in treatment of osteoporosis
treatment of osteoporosis

New horizons in treatment of osteoporosis

Prevalence of osteoporosis is increasing both in developed and developing countries. Due to rapid growth in the burden and cost of osteoporosis, worldwide, it seems reasonable to focus on the reduction of fractures as the main goal of treatment. Although, efficient pharmacological agents are available for the treatment of osteoporosis, there still remains a need to more specific drugs with less adverse effects.

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