یا و جستجو 2 مورد یافت شد Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program https://orc.tums.ac.ir/Article/Association-of-age–related-declined-renal-function-and-osteoporosis-based-on-trabecular-bone-score-in-Bushehr-Elderly-Health-(BEH)-program- elderly participants aged over 60 years old entered the study after meeting the inclusion criteria and providing informed consent. They underwent examinations for weight, height, abdominal and hip circumference, as well as blood pressure measurement. All... The association of cardio-metabolic risk factors and history https://orc.tums.ac.ir/article/The-association-of-cardio–metabolic-risk-factors-and-history-of-falling-in-men-with-osteosarcopenia:-a-cross–sectional-analysis-of-Bushehr-Elderly-Health-(BEH)-program elderly and increases the risk of fractures and mortality. We examined the association of cardio-metabolic risk factors with a history of falling in osteosarcopenic men. --> Methods We used the baseline data of the Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program....