Jan 30 2025

Osteoporosis Research Center

  • تاریخ انتشار : Sep 18 2024 - 09:44
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 13
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)

The shadow of diabetes on the life of the elderly: strategies to improve the quality of life of the elderly with diabetes

A new study has shown that elderly people with diabetes have a lower quality of life compared to people of the same age who do not have diabetes.

This study, which was published in the journal "BMC Geriatrics", examined the data of more than two thousand elderly people. Quality of life of the elderly with diabetes In this study, different dimensions of quality of life such as physical health, mental health, social relations and daily activities have been examined.

The results show that diabetes penetrates the fabric of all these dimensions and brings darkness and decline. In particular, elderly people who struggle with uncontrolled diabetes are overwhelmed by the maelstrom of physical problems and inability to perform daily activities. It is as if diabetes binds an invisible chain to their feet and reduces their mobility and vitality. Suggested solutions But this is not absolute darkness. The light of hope in the meantime is the careful control of diabetes. With blood sugar regulation and proper care, you can escape from the clutches of this hidden dragon and taste the sweet taste of life again. In addition, supportive services such as depression treatment and educational classes can illuminate the way to improve the quality of life of the elderly with diabetes, like a light in the dark. In this study, the prominent role of depression and female gender in reducing the quality of life of the elderly has also been revealed.

It is as if these two factors have become allies of diabetes and add to the darkness of the elderly's life. These findings sound the alarm. Society and health systems should pay special attention to the elderly with diabetes. By carefully controlling diabetes, providing supportive services and paying attention to mental health, we can fight the hidden dragon of diabetes and bring back the color of freshness to the lives of the elderly.

  • گروه خبری : karshenas amozesh,matlab elmi
  • کد خبر : 278720
کلمات کلیدی
Kobra Gorgani

Kobra Gorgani

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